Young Maestro before 2018
first blog ever, where to start? I'm a 21 year old guy from the
Netherlands, online known as Maestro1908. It's possible that you know
me from my streams on Twitch, social media or Unibet live events. I
will now first give some background information about myself, cause
in my opinion a story where the beginning misses makes no sense.
am I?
As I said earlier I'm a 21 year old
Dutchie. I think it's fair to say up until this point I could have
had more runbad. I'm not talking about runbad in poker here, I'm
talking about life. Don't worry, this blog won't be a 'feelgood
blog', but I think it's good to sometimes appreciate what you have,
although you strive for more. I grew up in a nice family, perfect
circumstances at home and a good bond with my family. This probably
is the most important for a child. Besides that I can't complain
about the country I live in. Of course there are some things that
could be improved, like in every country, but all in all I'm lucky to
be born in one of the countries with the highest welfare in the
This goes hand in hand with a good
education system. Primary school was fun, had a lot of friends and
enjoyed myself every day. Same goes for high school, it was a good
time of my life. However, I started noticing during high school that
I had to spend less time studying than most students while still
getting high grades, so I had a lot of time to sport and play FIFA.
However, I quit Greek and Latin, because my philosophy is that if you
really dislike something, you shouldn't do it just to impress others,
which was in this case getting the best high school degree possible.
When I was 17 I graduated high school and started studying at the
Erasmus University Rotterdam. I decided I wanted to study Economics
and do Laws part time. This way I could get 2 master degrees in 6
years instead of 8. However, I failed in laws and never made a single
exam. I simply couldn't motivate myself for something that seemed
super boring. Would I have given it a better chance if my mindset was
stronger like it is now a few years later? The answer is certainly
yes. I don't regret this as life is good now, but I definitely think
this was weak of me.
So I continued studying Economics &
Business Economics, which I actually enjoyed. To be honest though,
studying Economics on it's own was too easy for me so I had to do
something on the side. Some people go on a students club where they
get wasted drinking 50 beers per week and try to appear cool, this
didn't seem like something for me. As I'm a sportsfan I therefore
decided to make an Unibet account when I turned 18 in November 2015.
I could get rich knowing more about sports than all those plebs
right?! To be fair I made a bit of money and withdrew my deposit, but
went broke playing blackjack, and thus had no money left in my
account. I made a bit of money in sports, enough to break even on
Unibet, but getting an income out of it seemed like the well known
'youth overconfidence'.
before 2018
That's what brings us finally to
poker! So I got my deposit on Unibet back and now I have 0 euro in my
account, what to do? I saw a free 10eu poker ticket... I had played
the game 2 times before with friends, but if you would ask if a flush
or full house is better, I had to pass that question. Although yolo
(You Only Live Once) was still a hype word back then, I'm too much of a control freak to jump into it without having any clue. I remember
watching a video of Liv Boeree about handstrenghts (of course
slightly distracted by her as an 18y/o guy). I now knew a full house
beats a flush, I'm ready to beat this easy game right?!
I had to do it with a 10 euro ticket
for the NL4 cashgames. Up until this day I still don't know how I
managed to not go broke, I believe at some point my 'bankroll' was 1
buy in, but I ran it up. 4 euro became 20, 20 became 100, and then I
could apply a bit of BRM. This went on the whole year 2016. Grinding
NL4 and 1eu SNG's. Moving up, moving down, all the time. Feeling like
the best poker player in the world, to having to move down from NL10
to NL4 while trying to improve by watching video's and reading some
oldschool books. This was pretty much my poker year while passing all
my uni exams quite easily, sporting a lot and hanging out with
friends/family. Beginning of 2017 my roll was a bit over 1K and I
decided to join twitch at DaVitsche's channel. I had lurked for a few
months before, but I now 'felt ready' to join in the chat to see how
that is. More about the impact of this channel on my poker career and
mindset in my next blog.
I improved a lot by talking to fellow
poker players and by watching streams. I took some shots on NL25
which were breakevenish. I remember I felt lost by which format I
wanted to play. One month I was a 10eu SNG regular, the next month I
was a 10eu MTT grinder, the month after I went back to NL25. Although
I was struggling while getting better, my bankroll went up and I
decided to quit my student job (personal teaching of all kinds of
different courses) at the beginning of the new college year. Right
after this I hit a decent NL25 downswing in the fall of 2017. Luckily
by this time I was a regular in all the Unibet Twitch streams, and
I'm not sure I could have come out of it without the support I got
from the Unibet community, thanks if you were one of them and read
this. I think this proves that the people you surround yourself with
are as important as everything else. I managed to turn it around and
qualify to my first live event, Unibet UK Tour Manchester in December
2017. I didn't win anything, but I think I never gained so much
experience in one weekend. I went there on my own, met everyone from
the Twitch channels, Unibet ambassadors etc (back then this was
frightning). Besides that I played live poker for the first time in a
casino. No money, but a ton of experience.
2017 was definitely the basis for
2018. I struggled a lot but managed to get my bankroll up from
nothing to a bit less than 5K in 2 years time. Besides that I met a
lot of inspirational people in 2017. Until 2018 people definitely
thought I was wasting my time. But I realized after Manchester that I
made the right choice to take this game very serious, although I
hadn't earn a significant monthly income until this point in time.
The fact that 2018 was the best year of my life wasn't a coincidence,
and this is where my next blog will be about, the beautiful year
Great story, goodluck in 2019 Kreygasm